Networking for Growth

Networking for entrepreneurs and small business owners is happening all over, offering a number of opportunities to plug in to the community. Before you go to that next networking event, consider the following tips:

  1. Be Prepared: Think about who you want to meet at the event. Have a plan, and ask others who will be at the same event to help you meet the people on your list. Think about what you want to say. You’ll find tips on how to develop an elevator pitch at
  2. Be Easy to Talk to: Listen to what others have to say. Have a positive, upbeat attitude. Wait for the right opening to enter into others’ conversations.
  3. Be Ready to Follow Up: Once you’ve made a connection, don’t lose it. Phone or e-mail promising contacts the following day. If you promise to provide something, do it.
  4. Making the Most of Social Media: Successful social networking demands professionalism as well as a heightened sense of self-awareness and value. Check out Ten Tips to Create a Winning Social Media Strategy

Check out the Events Calendar for upcoming networking opportunities.