
As the largest private anchor institution in Baltimore, Johns Hopkins seeks to create economic opportunities that are inclusive of diverse people and create wealth for individuals and communities.


HopkinsLocal launch event
Diversity a cornerstone of new HopkinsLocal goals

Johns Hopkins unveils a new set of three-year goals to bolster economic opportunity in Baltimore by building, hiring, and buying locally

Advisory Board
Forming the vision for HopkinsLocal

New advisory council will help Johns Hopkins on strategies for hiring, buying, and building in Baltimore

Progress Report
In its first phase, HopkinsLocal exceeded its BUILD, HIRE and BUY goals

Over three years the program led to the hiring of more than 1,000 city residents and a $54 million increase in spending with local vendors.

HopkinsLocal video

Watch the video to learn more about HopkinsLocal

In 2015, we launched HopkinsLocal to support economic growth, employment, and investment in Baltimore. We held ourselves accountable by setting measurable three-year goals in construction, hiring, and purchasing, and we were proud to surpass our original expectations.

Now we have begun the next phase of the initiative and set new goals that will carry us through 2022. We invite you to learn more about our commitment to Baltimore and follow our regular progress reports. The links below will assist you in getting involved in our initiative.

Contact Information
Shanice Andall