Amusement Device Registration

This license is required for any establishment that wants to operate amusement device games on its premises.


This license is required for any establishment that wants to operate amusement device games on its premises.



Vendor Registration Fee $200.00

Annual Amusement Device Fee $180.00

Vendor Per Unit Fee $ 50.00 Annual Fee

Pool Table $180.00

Annual Amusement Device Fee $180.00

Annual No-Fee Pool Table $130.00

Annual Fee Pool Table $180.00

Annual Animated Riding Device $ 25.00

Annual No-Fee Pool Table $130.00

NOTE: Any change in information provided, including but not limited to the addition or discontinuation of a location, device or a transfer of a registered device must be reported to the Director of Finance prior to the event-taking place. By signing you hereby certify, under penalties of perjury, that the information supplied is true and correct. You further understand that any violation of the Baltimore City Code, Article 15, may result in suspension, revocation, confiscation, or non-renewal of the license(s). Any person, who violates any provision of Part 3 of this article or of a rule or regulation adopted under this Part 3 is guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction, is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000.00 for each offense. Each day a violation continues, is a separate offense. 

Services Provided

Regulatory Compliance

  • Government Requirements
  • Registration, Licenses and Permits

Registration, License and Permits

  • Registration, License and Permits
Contact Information
Dawn Cherry
200 Holliday Street
First Floor Room 3 – Department of Finance, Bureau of Revenue Collections, Miscellaneous Tax/License Unit
Baltimore, MD 21202