Business Planning

Working from Home Guidelines.

What's in this guide? Essential working from home guides Working from home checklist Save big on these work-from-home essentials 11 tips to successfully work from home as an employee Are there any downsides to working from home? So, should you work from home?

Solving Turnover Problems at the Front Door—Not On the Shop Floor

Turnover is a bane rampant in companies throughout the country, costing companies billions of dollars and thousands of headaches. Fully-loaded estimates have it that to turn over an entry level employee costs about 1/3 his annual salary, usually pegged at $ 6,000 per.   The Supply Side of Workforce Development is not...

What is a Business Plan? What should I include in it?

This document summarizes your firm, including your goals and earning objectives. It shows how a loan will be used and repaid. Financial statements (projections for a start-up business) are also included. Business plans are also developed when an existing firm plans a major change in operations. A business plan is a...

Maryland minimum wage goes up and new laws take effect

Associated Press/Baltimore Sun- July 1, 2018, 4:20 PM Maryland's minimum wage is going up. The new $10.10 an hour wage went into effect Sunday. It's the last of the phased-in increases that were set by Maryland lawmakers in 2014. The first increase from $7.25 to $8 took place in 2015. It...

SBA Loan Programs

SBA Loan Program         7(a) Loans-Max $5Million        *Must be a for-profit business & meet SBA size standards; show good character, credit, management, and ability to repay. Must be an eligible type of business.        *Prepayment penalty for loans with maturities of 15 years or more if prepaid during first...

Employee or a Contractor?,..Tips for Businesses Owners to Identify and Classify

A business may pay an independent contractor and an employee for the same or similar work, but there are important legal differences between the two.  For the employee, the company withholds income tax, Social Security, and Medicare from wages paid. For the independent contractor, the company does not withhold taxes. Employment and labor laws also do...